Anže Gros in Ana Odlazek winners on Munich halfmarathon
14. julij 2019
Today the race for Austrian Inline Cup in German Munich took place. On halfmarathon distance, best regional skaters competed for the points in the general classification as well as medals. Mens race was won by our Anže Gros, while his brother Gal Gros completed the podium with 3rd place. Great team performance was rounded with 5th placed Peter Korez and 7th Aleš Gros. Women's race was won by our Ana Odlazek.
Anže Gros won with time 33:15 and beat 2nd placed Patzold Andreasa for more than a minute. Gal Gros finished with time 34:25. Peter Korez 36:20 and Aleš Gros with time 37:32. Ana Odlazek finished the halfmarathon distance in 35 minutes and 56 seconds, well ahead of second-placed Sarah Scheuer (37:30).