
RK Ljubljana rules & regulations

  • Each competitor commits himself/herself to compete for RK Ljubljana. In all the roller speed skating competitions chosen by the club the competitor will strive to achieve the best possible individual ranking as well as contribute to the best possible team ranking. During the competitions the competitor will be wearing a roller speed skating jersey provided by the club. Before and after the competition the competitor will be wearing a T-shirt and a visor with insignia of the club and of its partners.
  • The competitor is solely responsible for the maintenance of the jersey which is the property of the club. The club reserves the right to award the jersey to the competitor at the end of each season.
  • The club may request the competitor to take part in its promotional activities and may use the competitor's name and indicate his/her achievements for its marketing purposes. The club is bound to respect the competitor's privacy. The competitor commits himself/herself to display at least one insignia of the club and of its partners during all the official competitions and medal award ceremonies (at competitions where he/she is representing the club), which will be provided by the club. The competitor also commits himself/herself not to publicly criticize the club (at competitions where he/she is representing the club) and to always accurately indicate its official name.
  • The club is neither liable for any material damage nor it bears any moral responsibility for the consequences associated with accidents that may occur before, during and after the competition as well as on the road to and from the competition. The competitor trains, competes and travels to trainings or competitions and back home on his/her own responsibility or the responsibility of his/her statutory guardian.
  • The club is obliged to pay the competition entry fee for its competitors for all the competitions indicated on the calendar published on its website.
  • If the competitor has a personal sponsor, he/she is obliged to allocate 10 % of the total value of obtained cash resources or at least 50 EUR and mandatory statutory duties to the club. This provision applies neither to material goods nor to small sums.
  • Any rewards received at competitions belong to individual competitors. If the competitor got his/her reward with the help of his team members, i.e. the team strategy was applied, the competitor receiving such a reward is obliged to allocate 30 % of the total value of the reward to his/her team members. The acting team leader is responsible for the division itself. In case of disputes the Management Committee decision is final.
  • Yearly membership fee is 20 EUR and is payed at registration and at beginning of new year
  • Vadnina je 30 EUR/mesečno za aktivne tekmovalce (ki jim klub pokriva startnine za tekmovanja) in 15 EUR/mesečno za rekreativce, ki obiskujejo zgolj treninge in nimajo želje tekmovati. Vse podrobnosti si lahko preberete v 10. členu statuta.

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